2021 Update of Business Meals, Travel Meals and Entertainment ExpensesOctober 14, 2021

By: Peter Pfister, CPA BUSINESS MEALS: Since January 1, 1994, business meals have been deductible at 50% of their cost. Reacting to the pandemic a tax law change now allows for a 100% business meal deduction for meals purchased from a restaurant for 2021 and 2022. Per IRS Notice 2021-25, “the term “restaurant” means a …
Local Charities Selected to Receive Proceeds from 16th Annual Curchin Open Indoor Miniature Golf Tournament!August 17, 2021

The Curchin Group, LLC, a mid-sized, full-service accounting firm based in Red Bank, N.J., announced today that Mercy Center & Society for The Prevention of Teen Suicide two locally-based nonprofit organizations will be receiving all proceeds from the firm’s 2021 annual indoor miniature golf tournament for charity, The Curchin Open. Since the event began in …
NJ State Press Release: Governor Murphy Signs Legislation to Protect New Jersey Workers, Employers From Unlawful MisclassificationJuly 28, 2021
TRENTON – Building on his commitment to making sure that workers and employers in New Jersey are treated fairly, Governor Phil Murphy today signed a four-bill legislative package furthering state efforts to stop employee misclassification. Misclassification is the practice of illegally and improperly classifying employees as independent contractors. This practice deprives workers of the right to earn minimum wage and overtime, workers’ compensation, unemployment, earned …
Latest NJ Legislation NewsJuly 9, 2021

Below please find the most recent New Jersey legislation items outlined below. The first outlines the appropriation for the NJ Homestead Benefit program, the second discusses a new deduction for higher education expenses effective January 1, 2022, and the third discusses an updated deduction effective January 1, 2021, for an increased pension/retirement income deduction. NJ …
16th Annual Curchin Open Essay Submission GuidelinesJune 3, 2021
The Curchin Group is now accepting essay submissions to determine the non-profit beneficiaries of the 16th Annual Curchin Open, a nine‐hole indoor miniature golf tournament. Non‐profit charities located in Monmouth and Ocean Counties are eligible for beneficiary consideration by submitting the information listed below. Curchin’s CPA Partners will select the winners by August 6, 2021 based …
IRS Delays Start of Filing Season to February 12, 2021January 15, 2021

The IRS announced on Friday January 15, 2021 that the tax filing season would commence on February 12, 2021. On that date, IRS will start accepting and processing individual tax returns. The IRS needs more time to prepare because of the recent tax legislation that took effect in late December. The tax filing deadline at …
Winter 2020 NewsletterJanuary 5, 2021
Additional 2020 Economic Impact PaymentsJanuary 4, 2021

You’ve probably heard that IRS will be making millions of ”economic impact payments” (also called ”recovery rebates”) in the near future to help people stay afloat during this time of economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19 crisis. These payments are in addition to the $1,200 payments ($2,400 for married couples) issued earlier in 2020. Here’s …
Deductibility of Business Meals Provided by Restaurants in 2021 and 2022January 4, 2021

You’ve probably heard that the recent stimulus legislation included a provision that removes the 50% limit on deducting business meals provided by restaurants in 2021 and 2022 and makes those meals fully deductible. Here are the details. In general, the ordinary and necessary food and beverage expenses of operating your business are deductible. However, the …
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
AKA COVID-19 Relief PackageDecember 23, 2020

Congress passed the 5000+ page Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 on Monday, December 21, 2020. Here are some highlights of that bill. Please note this has not yet been signed by President Trump and could be subject to change. Additional 2020 Recovery Rebates – Additional 2020 stimulus payments of $600 per taxpayer and qualifying children. The …