A Guide to the Different Types of Business Valuation MethodsJanuary 17, 2020

By: Roy H. Kvalo, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA, CVA, Director of Litigation & Valuation Services In 2018, 10,312 businesses exchanged hands across the United States. That was a 4% uptick in acquisitions from 2017. Various reasons might cause you to want to sell or buy a business. No matter the reason behind each transaction, the one constant is …
Business Valuation for Owner DisputesFebruary 13, 2018

By: Roy Kvalo, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA When two or more business owners are embroiled in conflict, a valuation can pave the way to a resolution. Specializing in business valuation and litigation, The Curchin Group has helped resolve this type of situation many times and can offer a bit of insight that might be helpful to you …
How to Build Value in Your Family BusinessAugust 16, 2017

By: Roy Kvalo, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA Of course a family business owner wants their company to be valuable – to their family, their clients, and the community. And while the possibility of selling the business typically forces the owners hand in pinpointing its value, it makes sense to think about this now and periodically in the …
More Than a Number: What Business Owners Need to Know About a ValuationApril 7, 2017

A business valuation is often mistaken to be inherently subjective. Of course, a business is truly only worth what someone will pay for it. However, a thorough valuation process is much more involved than you might expect, and the final number is relatively empirical. Here’s why you should engage a qualified and experienced valuator …
Special Financial Considerations for Husband & Wife Family BusinessesSeptember 11, 2013

The Wall Street Journal reported that one-third of all family businesses are operated by husband and wife teams, representing a substantial number of all businesses. The dynamic of the team, however, can vary greatly. In some cases, one spouse will start the business, or may already be involved in an existing family business prior to …
Key Methods Used in Valuing a Family BusinessFebruary 19, 2013

As a family business owner, your company’s future viability depends on several factors, including the value of your business. Your business may likely be the most significant asset of your estate, in terms of value for estate tax purposes and for business succession. So it may be wise to have your business valued sooner than …