2021 Update of Business Meals, Travel Meals and Entertainment ExpensesOctober 14, 2021

By: Peter Pfister, CPA BUSINESS MEALS: Since January 1, 1994, business meals have been deductible at 50% of their cost. Reacting to the pandemic a tax law change now allows for a 100% business meal deduction for meals purchased from a restaurant for 2021 and 2022. Per IRS Notice 2021-25, “the term “restaurant” means a …
IRS Strikes Back on PPP Loan ExpensesMay 1, 2020

In response to the Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness, the IRS on April 30, 2020 released Notice 2020-32. To keep it simple, if you have received loan proceeds under the PPP plan and the loan or portions of the loan are forgiven, the expenses associated with the loan forgiveness are not deductible. Initial understanding and …
The 5 Keys to a Great Business Relationship with Your AccountantOctober 31, 2019

Maintaining success in the A/E/C industry requires more than simply delivering on projects. Owners have tax planning, compliance, cash flow management, employee benefits, and many other financial controls to put in place alongside estate and succession planning. You need more than number crunching from your accountant, including: 1. Time Your CPA should invest in learning …
Are Your Federal Tax Withholdings Accurate?August 8, 2019
Year-End Audit Preparation: 5 Quick TipsDecember 8, 2016
Year-end audit preparation is often synonymous with stress, but it doesn’t have to be. When managed properly, your annual audit can be minimally invasive of your time. Here are five simple things you can do to help your year-end audit go smoothly so that you can focus on other priorities and enjoy the holidays. 1. …
The Curchin Group’s Carolyn Kvalo Earns AICPA Intermediate Employee Benefit Plans Audit CertificateSeptember 8, 2016
The Curchin Group is continuously expanding its capabilities to provide its growing clientele with comprehensive accounting services. In August 2016, Curchin Partner, Carolyn Kvalo, CPA/CGMA, CFE, passed the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Intermediate Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate exam, earning a badge for her accomplishment. About the AICPA Intermediate Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate …