New Jersey Pass – Through Business Alternative Income Tax ActOctober 27, 2020

Legislation was passed on January 13, 2020 establishing a pass-through business alternative tax (PTBAT). How Does It Work Starting in 2020, pass-through entities may elect to pay a PTBAT. Paying the tax is an annual election. The tax is based on each member’s share of distributive proceeds. Distributive proceeds mean “net income, dividends, royalties, interest, …
A Guide to the Different Types of Business Valuation MethodsJanuary 17, 2020

By: Roy H. Kvalo, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA, CVA, Director of Litigation & Valuation Services In 2018, 10,312 businesses exchanged hands across the United States. That was a 4% uptick in acquisitions from 2017. Various reasons might cause you to want to sell or buy a business. No matter the reason behind each transaction, the one constant is …
8 Crucial Ways to Protect Yourself from ATM and Mobile Security FraudJanuary 17, 2020

By: Carolyn Giunco Kvalo, CPA/CGMA, CFE, Managing Partner Anyone who has a bank account or credit card runs the risk of being defrauded. Learn how to protect yourself from ATM and mobile security fraud in this article. Did you know that more than 15 million Americans are victims of identity theft every year? Identity theft …
7 Effective Tax Saving Tips You Need to Know: 2020 EditionJanuary 17, 2020

April is tax season, and for some people that can be scarier than Halloween. The average American can expect to pay a little over $10,000 a year in taxes, or 14 percent of their household income. That’s a sizeable tax bill and one that many people would rather not have to shoulder. Fortunately, there are …
The 5 Keys to a Great Business Relationship with Your AccountantOctober 31, 2019

Maintaining success in the A/E/C industry requires more than simply delivering on projects. Owners have tax planning, compliance, cash flow management, employee benefits, and many other financial controls to put in place alongside estate and succession planning. You need more than number crunching from your accountant, including: 1. Time Your CPA should invest in learning …
What is Forensic Accounting? Everything You Need to KnowAugust 15, 2019

There are 3,483 forensic accounting offices in the US. In 2018, it was a $4 billion industry. Thanks to an uptick of fraud happening to businesses, forensic accounting continues to be a growing business. In fact, most businesses lose around 5% of their total revenue each year to fraud. Small businesses with fewer than 100 employees are particularly vulnerable. …
Are Your Federal Tax Withholdings Accurate?August 8, 2019
How to Make Your Seasonal Income Last Through the WinterJuly 10, 2019

Business cooling off and heading into the off-season? Worried if you’ll pull through the long winter? Use these suggestions to stretch your seasonal income. Tourism is a major economic engine throughout the state, generating over $41 billion in 2016, with growth expected through 2021. This growth isn’t limited to the Jersey Shore, either. Passaic and Mercer Counties …
Why Do People Change Accountants?July 8, 2019

You may not realize it, but a reliable accountant is one of the most important people in your life. Having an expert whom you can trust with your finances and, in turn, your future, enables you to make better decisions around taxes, assets, investments and business. It can take time to find this trusted advisor, …
How to Build Value in Your Family BusinessAugust 16, 2017

By: Roy Kvalo, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA Of course a family business owner wants their company to be valuable – to their family, their clients, and the community. And while the possibility of selling the business typically forces the owners hand in pinpointing its value, it makes sense to think about this now and periodically in the …